A complete overview and deep-dive into the CRM Models B2B SaaS Businesses can Implement: strategy framework diagram for types of crm model, idic model, crm strategy framework, social crm model

Mastering CRM Models: Blueprints, Frameworks, and Strategic Planning

In a world where customer relationships are pivotal, understanding and implementing effective CRM models is crucial. This blog post delves into the intricacies of various CRM models, offering insights and actionable advice on how to leverage them for enhanced customer engagement and business success.


Exploring Diverse CRM Models: A Comprehensive Overview

CRM Design Models: The Architectural Framework

  1. Traditional vs. Modern CRM Design Models: A Comparative Analysis

Traditional CRM models, often rigid and database-centric, primarily focused on storing customer information and basic sales processes. In contrast, modern CRM designs, like those offered by Salesforce or HubSpot, are dynamic, integrating advanced analytics and AI to provide predictive insights and personalised customer experiences.

The evolution from a static database to a dynamic, customer-centric platform reflects a significant shift towards personalisation, real-time engagement, and proactive customer service. This shift is not just technological but philosophical, placing the customer’s experience at the heart of business strategy.

Businesses should consider how modern CRM platforms, with their AI capabilities, can predict customer needs and preferences, offering a stark contrast to traditional models that relied heavily on manual data analysis and intuition. This predictive capability can be a game-changer in crafting targeted marketing campaigns and enhancing customer engagement.

  1. Impact of CRM Design on Customer Interaction and Data Management

The design of a CRM system plays a pivotal role in shaping how businesses interact with their customers. A well-designed CRM not only streamlines customer interactions but also ensures a seamless and consistent experience across various touchpoints, from initial contact to post-sale support.

These systems enable businesses to manage and analyse vast amounts of customer data efficiently, turning it into actionable insights. For example, a well-designed CRM can automate responses to common customer queries, enhancing satisfaction and operational efficiency.

“CRMs can see a 74% increase in customer satisfaction,” as reported by Finances Online, underscores the importance of thoughtful CRM design. This statistic highlights how effective CRM systems can transform customer interactions into positive experiences, thereby fostering loyalty and repeat business.

Businesses should leverage CRM design to create a unified view of the customer, integrating data from sales, marketing, and customer service to provide a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and behaviours.

  1. Best Practices in CRM Design for Various Business Sizes

For small businesses, the focus should be on user-friendly, cost-effective CRM designs that offer basic sales and marketing automation. These systems should be easy to implement and require minimal training, allowing small teams to quickly leverage their benefits.

Mid-sized businesses might benefit from more advanced features like lead scoring, email marketing integration, and customer segmentation. These features can help mid-sized businesses to better understand and target their customer base, leading to more effective marketing campaigns and improved sales results.

Large enterprises should look for highly customizable CRM designs that can integrate with their existing IT infrastructure and handle complex data sets. These systems should offer advanced analytics and reporting features to support strategic decision-making at scale.

Regardless of business size, the key is to choose a CRM design that aligns with the company’s specific needs and growth plans. It’s about finding the right balance between functionality, scalability, and ease of use.

Credit: SemRush

CRM Structural Framework: Building a Solid Foundation

  1. Core Components of a Robust CRM Structural Framework
  • A robust CRM structural framework is foundational to any successful CRM strategy. It includes essential components like comprehensive customer data management, interaction tracking, and workflow automation. These elements work together to create a seamless and efficient customer relationship management system.
  • The framework should facilitate a 360-degree view of the customer, integrating data from various touchpoints such as sales, marketing, and customer service. This comprehensive view enables businesses to understand and anticipate customer needs more effectively, leading to better service and stronger relationships.
  • Scalability and adaptability are also crucial aspects of a CRM structural framework. The system must be able to evolve with the business’s growth and changing needs, accommodating new customer segments, products, or market conditions without significant overhauls.
  1. Integration of CRM with Other Business Systems
  • Integrating CRM with other business systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and marketing automation tools, is crucial for a holistic approach to customer relationship management. This integration ensures data consistency and provides a unified view of business operations and customer interactions.
  • For example, integrating CRM with an ERP system can streamline order processing and inventory management, enhancing customer satisfaction by ensuring timely and accurate order fulfilment. It also allows for better resource planning and financial management.
  • The key to successful integration lies in selecting CRM software that can easily connect with existing systems and in planning the integration process carefully to minimise disruptions. Businesses should work with IT specialists and CRM vendors to ensure a smooth integration that meets their specific needs.
  • This integration not only improves operational efficiency but also provides valuable insights by combining data from different sources. These insights can inform strategic decisions, leading to improved business performance and customer satisfaction.
  1. Customising CRM Structure to Fit Business Needs
  • Customization is a critical aspect of CRM structure, allowing businesses to tailor the system to their specific processes and customer engagement strategies. This could involve creating custom fields, developing tailored dashboards, or setting up specific automation rules that align with business objectives.
  • A bespoke CRM structure can significantly improve user adoption and overall business efficiency. When users find the system intuitive and aligned with their daily tasks, they are more likely to use it effectively, leading to better data quality and more reliable insights.
  • However, customization should be approached with caution. Over-customization can lead to complexity and maintenance challenges. Businesses should strike a balance between tailoring the system to their needs and keeping it manageable and scalable.
  • Engaging with end-users during the customization process is essential. Their input can provide valuable insights into what features and functionalities are most needed, ensuring that the CRM system is both practical and user-friendly.
  1. Evaluating CRM Structural Efficiency
  • Regular assessment of the CRM’s performance is crucial to ensure it continues to meet the business’s needs. This evaluation should consider factors such as data accuracy, user adoption rates, and the system’s contribution to achieving sales and marketing goals.
  • Feedback from users is invaluable in identifying areas for improvement. Regular surveys and discussions with CRM users can provide insights into how the system is being used and where it may be falling short. This feedback can then be used to make targeted improvements.
  • Efficiency can also be measured by the CRM’s ability to integrate new technologies and adapt to changing market conditions. A flexible and scalable CRM system is more likely to remain effective over time, supporting the business as it grows and evolves.
  • Businesses should also consider the return on investment (ROI) of their CRM system. This includes not only direct financial returns but also improvements in customer satisfaction, employee productivity, and overall business agility.
  1. CRM Structural Framework and Customer Data Security
  • In today’s digital age, ensuring data security within the CRM is paramount, especially with increasing concerns about data privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Businesses must implement robust security measures to protect sensitive customer information.
  • These measures include access controls to ensure that only authorised personnel can view or modify customer data, encryption to protect data in transit and at rest, and regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
  • Educating users about best practices in data security is also crucial. This includes training on how to handle sensitive information, recognize phishing attempts, and follow company policies regarding data privacy and security.
  • A secure CRM system not only protects the business from legal and financial repercussions but also builds trust with customers. When customers know that their data is being handled responsibly, they are more likely to engage with the business and remain loyal over time.

CRM Conceptual Models: The Theoretical Underpinning

  1. Understanding Key CRM Conceptual Models: Delving into CRM conceptual models, it’s crucial to grasp their theoretical essence. For instance, the ‘Customer-Centric Model’ pivots around the philosophy of placing customers at the heart of business strategy, a concept vital for businesses aiming to enhance customer engagement and loyalty. Implementing this model involves a thorough analysis of customer data and feedback, ensuring that every business decision is aligned with customer needs and preferences. By adopting this approach, companies can create more personalised experiences, leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention.
  2. Real-World Application of CRM Concepts: Applying CRM concepts effectively requires a blend of theory and practicality. Take the ‘Process-Based CRM Model’, which focuses on streamlining and optimising customer-related processes. Businesses can implement this by mapping out all customer touchpoints and ensuring seamless interactions at each stage. This model is particularly effective in service industries where customer experience is paramount. By refining these processes, companies can reduce response times, improve service quality, and ultimately, enhance customer satisfaction.
  3. Leveraging AI in CRM Conceptual Models: The integration of AI and machine learning in CRM concepts is revolutionising customer relationship management. AI-driven CRM systems can predict customer behaviour, personalise communications, and automate routine tasks. For example, AI can analyse customer interaction data to identify patterns and preferences, enabling businesses to tailor their offerings and communications more effectively. This not only improves customer experience but also increases operational efficiency, making AI an invaluable asset in modern CRM strategies.
  4. Measuring CRM Conceptual Model Effectiveness: To gauge the success of CRM conceptual models, businesses must establish clear metrics and KPIs. Metrics such as customer satisfaction scores, retention rates, and average resolution time are critical in assessing the impact of these models. Regularly reviewing these metrics helps businesses identify areas for improvement and adjust their strategies accordingly. This continuous evaluation ensures that the CRM model remains aligned with changing customer needs and business objectives.
  5. Future Trends in CRM Conceptual Thinking: The future of CRM conceptual models is likely to be shaped by emerging technologies and evolving customer expectations. We can anticipate a greater emphasis on predictive analytics, enabling businesses to anticipate customer needs and preferences proactively. Additionally, the integration of virtual and augmented reality could offer more immersive and interactive customer experiences. Staying abreast of these trends and adapting CRM strategies accordingly will be key to maintaining a competitive edge in customer relationship management.

CRM Implementation Models: From Theory to Practice

  1. Step-by-Step Guide to CRM Implementation: Effective CRM implementation begins with a clear plan and roadmap. This involves identifying business objectives, selecting the right CRM software, and customising it to fit specific business needs. For instance, a retail business might focus on integrating its CRM with e-commerce platforms for better customer data management. Regular training sessions for staff ensure smooth adoption and utilisation of the CRM system. This structured approach minimises disruption and maximises the benefits of the CRM system.
  2. Avoiding Common Pitfalls in CRM Implementation: One of the key challenges in CRM implementation is ensuring user adoption. To combat this, businesses should involve end-users in the selection and customisation process, making the system more user-friendly and relevant to their needs. Additionally, avoiding over-customisation and keeping the system simple and intuitive can prevent user overwhelm and resistance. Regular feedback sessions and support can also help in addressing any issues promptly, ensuring a smoother transition.
  3. Role of Employee Training in CRM Implementation: Effective training is a cornerstone of successful CRM implementation. It’s not just about teaching staff how to use the software, but also about understanding the importance of CRM in improving customer relationships and business processes. Tailored training programs, combined with ongoing support, ensure that employees are confident and competent in using the CRM system, leading to higher adoption rates and better utilisation.
  4. Post-Implementation CRM Evaluation and Adjustment: After implementing a CRM system, it’s vital to continuously evaluate its effectiveness. This involves monitoring key performance indicators, gathering user feedback, and making necessary adjustments. For instance, if the data shows a decrease in customer response time but an increase in unresolved queries, it might indicate a need for additional training or system tweaks. Regular evaluation ensures that the CRM system evolves with the business and continues to meet its changing needs.

CRM Strategy Frameworks: Crafting Tailored Customer Journeys


The top 4 models of CRM
The top 4 models of CRM: Why are CRM Models important? You will realise that the best models will help you in understanding your customers and improving your approach to them in the funnel. However, the 4 models shown here are the most commonly used. As a result, we feel these will help boost your customer rapport and improve relations beyond the initial purchase!


IDIC Model: Identifying and Developing Customer Relationships

The IDIC model, a cornerstone in CRM, offers a structured approach to deepen customer engagement. Let’s delve into its intricacies with strategic insights and actionable tactics:

In-Depth Exploration of the IDIC Model

  • The ‘Identify’ stage is about recognizing and understanding your customers. For instance, a B2B SaaS company might use analytics to segment its audience based on usage patterns, thereby tailoring its marketing efforts. This stage is crucial for developing targeted strategies that resonate with different customer segments.
  • In the ‘Differentiate’ phase, customers are distinguished based on their value and needs. A telecom service provider, for example, could offer premium services to high-value clients while providing scalable solutions to smaller businesses. This differentiation allows for more effective resource allocation and personalised customer experiences.
  • ‘Interact’ involves engaging with customers to improve your service. A retail business might use customer feedback to refine its product offerings, ensuring that the products meet the evolving needs of their market. This stage is vital for building customer loyalty and enhancing brand reputation.
  • Finally, ‘Customise’ tailors experiences to individual customer needs. A bespoke software solution firm could use customer data to personalise its user interface, enhancing user experience. This customization leads to increased customer satisfaction and retention, as clients feel valued and understood.

Practical Applications of IDIC in CRM

  • Implementing the IDIC model involves integrating customer data platforms (CDPs) to aggregate and analyse customer data, enabling targeted marketing campaigns. This approach is particularly effective in B2B environments where understanding client needs is crucial for long-term relationships.
  • A practical example is a B2B software provider using IDIC to identify upselling opportunities by analysing customer usage data. This strategy can lead to a significant increase in sales, as it allows the provider to offer relevant additional services or products.
  • The model’s effectiveness is evident in sectors like e-commerce, where personalised recommendations based on customer behaviour can significantly boost sales. For instance, an online retailer could use the IDIC framework to tailor its marketing emails, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • In customer service, the IDIC model can transform how companies interact with their clients. A telecom company, for instance, could use customer interaction data to provide more personalised and efficient support, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Challenges and Solutions in Adopting the IDIC Model

  • One major challenge in implementing the IDIC model is the integration of disparate data sources. A solution is the use of advanced data integration tools that can consolidate various data formats into a unified customer view.
  • Another challenge is ensuring staff understand and leverage customer data effectively. Regular training and development programs can equip employees with the necessary skills to utilise the IDIC model efficiently.
  • Data privacy and security are also critical concerns when dealing with customer information. Implementing robust data governance policies and practices ensures that customer data is handled responsibly and in compliance with regulations.
  • Finally, keeping the IDIC model aligned with evolving customer expectations requires continuous monitoring and adaptation. Regularly reviewing and updating customer segmentation and engagement strategies ensures that the model remains effective and relevant.


QCI Model: Quality, Customer, and Information Focus

The QCI (Quality, Customer, Information) model is a dynamic approach to CRM, emphasising the importance of quality data and customer-centric strategies. Let’s explore its components and practical applications:

Overview of the QCI Model and Its Components

  1. The QCI model starts with ‘Quality’, focusing on the excellence of both products and customer interactions. For a B2B software company, this might mean ensuring that their software not only meets industry standards but also delivers a seamless user experience. This focus on quality helps in building a strong brand reputation and customer trust.
  2. ‘Customer’ is the heart of the QCI model, prioritising customer needs and experiences. A practical example is a customer service center using customer feedback to improve their response strategies. This approach ensures that the services are aligned with customer expectations, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. The ‘Information’ component emphasises the strategic use of data to inform decisions. For instance, a retail chain could leverage customer purchase data to optimise inventory management. This data-driven approach allows for more efficient operations and better alignment with customer demand.
  4. Integrating these three components creates a holistic CRM strategy. A company that excels in all three areas is likely to see improved customer retention and acquisition, as well as enhanced operational efficiency.

Implementing QCI for Improved Customer Service

  1. Implementing the QCI model in customer service involves training staff to understand and meet customer expectations. For example, a telecommunications company might train its customer service representatives to offer personalised solutions based on customer history and preferences.
  2. Technology plays a crucial role in this implementation. Investing in CRM software that provides detailed customer insights can help service teams offer more tailored and effective solutions.
  3. Feedback mechanisms are essential in the QCI model. Regularly soliciting and acting on customer feedback ensures that services remain relevant and high-quality.
  4. A case in point is a hospitality business using customer feedback to refine its guest experiences. By continuously adapting to customer needs, the business can maintain high satisfaction levels and encourage repeat visits.

Integrating QCI with Existing CRM Systems

  • Integration of the QCI model with existing CRM systems requires a strategic approach. This might involve aligning the CRM’s data analytics capabilities with the QCI’s focus on quality and customer information.
  • A key step is ensuring that the CRM system can effectively capture and analyse customer data. This data is crucial for understanding customer needs and preferences, which is central to the QCI model.
  • Training staff to use the integrated system effectively is also important. For example, sales teams should be trained to use customer insights from the CRM to tailor their sales pitches and improve customer interactions.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating the CRM system ensures that it continues to support the QCI model effectively. This might involve adding new features or updating existing ones to better capture and utilise customer data.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the QCI Model

  • Measuring the success of the QCI model involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) related to customer satisfaction and data quality. For instance, a decrease in customer complaints might indicate improved service quality.
  • Regular customer surveys can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the model. These surveys should focus on aspects like service quality, customer satisfaction, and the relevance of information provided.
  • Analysing sales and marketing data can also reveal the impact of the QCI model. An increase in customer retention or acquisition rates can be a strong indicator of its success.
  • Continuous improvement is a core principle of the QCI model. Regularly reviewing and refining strategies based on performance data ensures that the model remains effective and relevant.


Payne and Frow’s Five-Process Model: A Comprehensive Approach

Detailed Analysis of Payne and Frow’s Model

  1. Understanding the Model: Payne and Frow’s Five-Process Model revolutionises CRM strategy by integrating five key processes: Strategy Development, Value Creation, Multi-Channel Integration, Information Management, and Performance Assessment. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and interactions.
  2. Strategic Implications: By focusing on Strategy Development, businesses can align their CRM objectives with broader organisational goals, ensuring a unified approach. The Value Creation process is pivotal in identifying and delivering unique value propositions to customers, enhancing loyalty and satisfaction.
  3. Operational Excellence: The Multi-Channel Integration process advocates for a seamless customer experience across all touchpoints, a crucial factor in today’s omnichannel world. Information Management, meanwhile, emphasises the importance of leveraging customer data to inform decision-making and personalise interactions.
  4. Measuring Success: Performance Assessment, the final process, is vital for evaluating the effectiveness of CRM strategies. It involves setting clear KPIs and regularly reviewing them to ensure continuous improvement. This process helps businesses adapt and evolve their CRM strategies in response to changing market dynamics.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing the Five Processes

  • Initiating Strategy Development: Begin by defining clear CRM objectives that align with your business goals. Conduct a thorough market analysis to understand customer needs and preferences. This step sets the foundation for a targeted CRM strategy.
  • Embracing Value Creation: Identify unique value propositions that differentiate your offerings. Develop customer personas and journey maps to tailor your value creation efforts. This step is about understanding what truly matters to your customers and how your business can meet those needs uniquely.
  • Integrating Multiple Channels: Ensure consistency in customer experience across all channels, from digital platforms to in-person interactions. Utilise technology to create a cohesive communication strategy that keeps customers engaged and informed.
  • Managing Information Effectively: Implement robust data management systems to capture and analyse customer data. Use this data to personalise customer interactions and make informed strategic decisions. This step is crucial for understanding customer behaviour and preferences.

Customising the Model for Different Business Types

  • For Large Enterprises: Large organisations can leverage the model to integrate complex customer data from various sources, enabling a more comprehensive view of customer interactions. This approach helps in delivering personalised experiences at scale.
  • Adapting for SMEs: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can focus on the value creation and multi-channel integration aspects of the model. These processes are crucial for SMEs to compete with larger players by offering unique value and a seamless customer experience.
  • B2B Applications: In a B2B context, the model can be tailored to emphasise strategic partnerships and long-term customer relationships. Focusing on strategy development and performance assessment can help B2B firms align CRM efforts with business objectives.
  • Non-Profit Sector: Nonprofits can benefit from the model by focusing on donor relationship management. Tailoring the information management and value creation processes can help nonprofits engage more effectively with their donors and stakeholders.


The Gartner’s CRM Value Discipline Model: Mastering Customer Intimacy, Product Leadership, and Operational Excellence

Exploring the Three Pillars of Gartner’s Model

  1. Customer Intimacy: This pillar is about creating a deep, personal connection with customers. To achieve this, start by leveraging CRM tools for in-depth customer data analysis, understanding their preferences, and purchasing behaviours. Implement personalised marketing campaigns, using data-driven insights to tailor messages and offers. Focus on delivering exceptional customer service, training your team to respond empathetically and efficiently to customer needs. Remember, “Effective sales organisations are 87 percent more likely to be consistent users of CRM or another system of record.” (Nutshell)
  2. Product Leadership: This discipline focuses on innovation and delivering top-tier products or services. Cultivate a company culture that values and rewards creativity and risk-taking, encouraging teams to think outside the box. Regularly update and improve your offerings based on customer feedback and market trends, ensuring your products remain at the forefront of the industry. Conduct thorough market research to stay ahead of industry trends, using these insights to inform your product development strategy and maintain a competitive edge.
  3. Operational Excellence: This aspect involves optimising operations for efficiency and quality. Begin by streamlining internal processes, identifying areas for automation and improved workflow. Focus on cost management, finding ways to reduce expenses without sacrificing quality, and implement lean methodologies to optimise resource usage. Maintain high standards in product and service delivery, regularly reviewing and enhancing quality control measures. “CRMs can see a 73% improvement in business efficiency.” (Finances Online) highlights the impact of CRM in achieving operational excellence.

Strategies for Achieving Excellence in Each Discipline

  • Customer Intimacy: To excel in customer intimacy, leverage CRM analytics to deeply understand customer needs and preferences. Implement targeted communication strategies, using personalised content and offers to enhance customer engagement. Foster a culture of exceptional customer service, ensuring every interaction adds value and strengthens the relationship.
  • Product Leadership: Drive product leadership by fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Regularly gather customer feedback and market insights to inform product development, ensuring your offerings are always cutting-edge and relevant. Encourage cross-functional collaboration to blend diverse perspectives into your product innovation process.
  • Operational Excellence: Achieve operational excellence by streamlining processes and implementing cost-effective solutions. Utilise CRM data to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. Focus on quality control and process optimization to ensure high standards in product and service delivery.


Implementing CRM Models: Strategies and Best Practices


Operational CRM Implementation: Streamlining Customer Interactions

Planning and Executing Operational CRM Strategies: To effectively implement operational CRM, start by mapping customer touchpoints across your business processes. This involves identifying key interaction points – from initial contact through to post-sale support – and integrating CRM tools to enhance these interactions. Utilise CRM analytics to understand customer preferences and behaviour, tailoring interactions to meet their needs. This strategic approach not only improves customer experience but also streamlines internal processes, making your CRM implementation a cornerstone of operational efficiency.

Tools and Technologies for Operational CRM: Selecting the right tools is crucial for operational CRM success. Invest in CRM software that offers customisation, scalability, and integration with existing systems. Look for features like automated workflows, customer segmentation, and real-time data access to enhance team productivity. Regularly training staff on these tools ensures they are used to their full potential, thereby maximising your CRM investment and improving customer interactions.

Training and Support for Operational CRM Adoption: Employee buy-in is essential for successful CRM implementation. Develop comprehensive training programs that cover not only the technical aspects of the CRM system but also its strategic importance in improving customer relationships. Encourage feedback and provide ongoing support to address any challenges. This approach ensures that your team is not only proficient in using the CRM system but also understands its role in achieving business objectives.

Measuring the Success of Operational CRM: Establish clear metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your operational CRM. These should include customer satisfaction scores, response times, and conversion rates. Regularly review these metrics and adjust your strategies accordingly. This data-driven approach allows you to continuously refine your CRM implementation, ensuring it remains aligned with your business goals and customer needs.


Analytical CRM Deployment: Leveraging Data for Strategic Insights

Key Steps in Deploying Analytical CRM: Begin your analytical CRM deployment by establishing clear objectives for what you want to achieve, such as improved customer segmentation or sales forecasting. Select a CRM system that offers robust data analytics capabilities. Ensure that your CRM can integrate with other data sources in your organisation for a comprehensive view. Regularly update and cleanse your data to maintain its accuracy and relevance.

Data Management and Analysis Tools for CRM: Utilise advanced data management tools within your CRM to segment customers, track behaviour, and predict trends. Invest in machine learning algorithms for deeper insights and predictive analytics. These tools enable you to understand customer needs better and anticipate future trends, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing strategies.

Overcoming Data-Related Challenges in CRM: Data quality and integration are common challenges in CRM. To address these, establish strict data entry standards and conduct regular audits. Ensure seamless integration of your CRM with other business systems to avoid data silos. Training your team on the importance of data accuracy and consistency is also crucial for maintaining the integrity of your CRM data.

Success Metrics for Analytical CRM: Define success metrics that align with your business goals, such as increased customer lifetime value or improved customer retention rates. Use these metrics to track the performance of your CRM initiatives and make data-driven decisions. Regularly reviewing these metrics helps in fine-tuning your CRM strategies for optimal results.

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About James

James is an award winning digital strategist with over 20 years experience helping challenger brands and market leaders (Unilever, Diageo, MasterCard, HSBC) launch and scale their data-driven sales and marketing. Connect on Linkedin

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