Scaling HealthTech B2B Pipeline: Safe Space's™ Outbound Marketing Revolution

Safe Space™ offers an advanced mental health solution accessible online and offline. Tailored for global access, they provide therapy sessions and a wealth of resources to ensure mental wellness is a tap away. Their platform is a nexus for patients and therapists, enabling instant connections and seamless scheduling via desktop or a user-friendly mobile application. Safe Space™  caters to the vulnerable with a library of webinars, one-to-one therapy and courses designed to foster sustained mental health.

The Challenge

Initially consumer-focused, Safe Space™ grappled with escalating customer acquisition costs, relying predominantly on social media and influencer collaborations. This strategy, while vibrant, proved unsustainable financially without a significant media budget, a resource the startup lacked. Additionally, the model only secured one-time patient engagements, posing severe retention challenges. The strategic pivot to a B2B model aimed to engage enterprises for employee wellness programs, thus increasing average customer lifetime value and retention.

The Strategy

Our intervention commenced with a granular analysis of HR directors’ needs against the backdrop of the employee wellness landscape. Insights garnered shaped a compelling B2B narrative, underpinning Safe Space™’s new service proposition. We equipped them with robust sales collateral, built a targeted outreach list, and launched an outbound B2B email campaign to engage potential corporate clients directly. This strategic shift not only aligned with their operational goals but also scaled their sales pipeline.


The campaign’s impact was profound. Over five months, it catalysed over 300 engagements with HR executives and C-suite leaders, translating into significant enterprise-level conversions. This surge in demand necessitated an accelerated recruitment drive, successfully onboarding 50 new therapists within six months. The strategic pivot not only amplified Safe Space™’s market footprint but also substantially boosted their average revenue per customer.